Small-scale sculptures inspired by a maquette project.

MJ KING Small Scale Scupture
Maquette, Study#2, 2021, Mix Media

MJ KING Small Scale Scupture
Pretty Clustered Stack, 2021, Mix Media
MJ KING Small Scale Scupture
Pagoda Popes’ Bride, 2021, Mix Media

MJ KING Small Scale Scupture
Stoned Totem, 2022, Mix Media
MJ KING Small Scale Scupture
All Dressed Up and Nowhere To Go, 2022, Mix Media

MJ KING Small Scale Scupture
Perched 2, 2021,1Mix Media
MJ KING Small Scale Scupture
Perched 1, 2021, Mix Mediia

MJ KING Small Scale Scupture
Perched 3, Mix Medium, 2021